VSO Ireland's work fighting poverty through volunteering would be impossible without the compassion and generosity of our supporters.
That is why we are committed to being accountable to you for the way we fundraise and how we make use of your donations.
We are committed to the highest fundraising standards and VSO Ireland is a member of the Charity Regulator. We do all we can to ensure that our fundraisers, volunteers and external suppliers working with us to raise funds comply with codes of conduct and with this promise.
This promise outlines our commitment to you when you choose to support VSO.
We respect your privacy
- We will keep your personal details safe.
- We will never sell your personal details to anyone.
- We will never share your personal details with any other charities or companies, unless they are working on our behalf for a limited period of time. Sometimes we work with external suppliers to contact you because our team isn’t big enough. In these cases we will have a contract in place to ensure your details are kept safe and not shared with any other organisations.
- We will comply with the law, including those that apply to data protection.
We are open and will keep you informed - unless you ask us not to
- We will be clear about who we are, what we do and how your donations are used.
- We will ensure that we spend your donations so they have the most impact for the world’s poorest communities.
- We will keep you informed on how your support is helping change lives - and respect your request if you ask us to stop.
We are accountable
- We accept that we don’t get it right all the time. When we get things wrong, we’ll be honest about our mistakes and will work to rectify them as quickly as possible.
- We have a complaints procedure, a copy of which is available on our website at: www.vso.ie/complaints
You will always be in control of your support
- We’ll share stories of how your support is helping some of the world’s poorest people. We will only contact you in the ways that you would like us to. You will always be in control of your support, and we will always respect your privacy and personal preferences.
- You can change the way you hear from us by contacting your Supporter Care team.
How to get in touch
We take our promise to supporters very seriously. If you have any feedback please contact your Supporter Care team so we can take action.

Fund the change you want to see. Be a changemaker.